What is Jus-1?

How & WHY?

Couple of years ago, my parents visited us and stayed for few months.  One day when my dad was sitting at the kitchen table and taking his regular medicines/pills.  While taking the pills, he got too many pills in his palm and some fell on the table and some rolled down on the floor.  So, he asked me to look for them and give them back to him.  This happened about 4-5 times, so I asked him whether he was okay and if he had any problems.  Then he told me that he had diabetes and arthritis but because of diabetes, he was losing sensation at his fingertips.  And therefore, he could not hold the bottle properly and cannot take his medication properly.

So, this was my eureka moment that I need to find or create a pill dispenser that dispenses only ONE pill at a time and have FULL CONTROL over the bottle and the pill.  And it should be USER FRIENDLY so it can be used by EVERYONE for ANY SHAPE & SIZE pills.

Who are the Jus-1 Users?

  • People with Arthritis (including my Dad)
  • People with Diabetes (who have fingertips losing sensation)
  • Doctors
  • Paramedics
  • Nurses
  • Hospitals
  • Seniors
  • Young who wants convenience in taking pills
  • Diabetes is on increase (more patients will need to buy)
  • Arthritis is also on increase (more patients will need to buy)
  • Anyone who wants quick, easy way to take pills
  • Anyone looking for convenience to take pills

[Note: Convenience is the NEW Trend – everybody wants it easy to use and {home} delivered]

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